Dear Diary,
Wow, it’s been quite sometime since I last put in an entry.
Just a couple of updates first.
Well, I am doing pretty ok… Still trying to stick to my new year’s resolution. (I kinda made a deal with my brother about it.) It’s not much but at least it’ll guarantee me a goal to hit through the first half of the year.
My fan club seems to be getting bigger too... Hahahaha!... No, no, don’t get me wrong; I’m no celebrity (Thank God!)! It’s just a fan club that has progressively grown as I walk to the bus stop everyday of the workweek at the same time… Annoying really but as usual, I just ignore things that prove to be a waste of time to me… But seriously, I really do sometimes wish these fellas would get a grip on things. Incidents played on a cinema screen don’t all happen in real life.
Also, a good friend of mine just became single again… I think she’s still nursing a broken heart; they’ve been together for so long you see… I have got to get her out for dinner or something soon….
Now, back to current happenings...
Anyway, it’s the middle of the first month of 2008. The weekend has just passed. It is all moving so fast. Damn, before I know it, I’ll be old… That’s a bit worrying… I need time. Time to do things in my life… To add people into my life, build relationships and to complete things. There are so many things going on for me right now… But I can’t speak about them all simply because; some things are just not meant for common knowledge. And then there are a few issues that are just not worth mentioning at all. For example, if someone irritates the crap out of you and is being a hindrance in your daily life.
All I shall say for now is this,
Just a couple of updates first.
Well, I am doing pretty ok… Still trying to stick to my new year’s resolution. (I kinda made a deal with my brother about it.) It’s not much but at least it’ll guarantee me a goal to hit through the first half of the year.
My fan club seems to be getting bigger too... Hahahaha!... No, no, don’t get me wrong; I’m no celebrity (Thank God!)! It’s just a fan club that has progressively grown as I walk to the bus stop everyday of the workweek at the same time… Annoying really but as usual, I just ignore things that prove to be a waste of time to me… But seriously, I really do sometimes wish these fellas would get a grip on things. Incidents played on a cinema screen don’t all happen in real life.
Also, a good friend of mine just became single again… I think she’s still nursing a broken heart; they’ve been together for so long you see… I have got to get her out for dinner or something soon….
Now, back to current happenings...
Anyway, it’s the middle of the first month of 2008. The weekend has just passed. It is all moving so fast. Damn, before I know it, I’ll be old… That’s a bit worrying… I need time. Time to do things in my life… To add people into my life, build relationships and to complete things. There are so many things going on for me right now… But I can’t speak about them all simply because; some things are just not meant for common knowledge. And then there are a few issues that are just not worth mentioning at all. For example, if someone irritates the crap out of you and is being a hindrance in your daily life.
All I shall say for now is this,
A show-off who consistently needs to explain and further prove his/her self-assumed superiority to others is truly amongst the lowest of classes in society.
~ Suguna.J
You may choose as you please to interpret it as being any particular form of society, whether traditional, modern or utopist. Whichever way, my statement will still hold true.
Desperation is truly the culprit of most embarrassments. Many of which the person is not entirely aware of. There are two types of awareness: conscious and sub-conscious. Knowing your faults and conscientiously choosing to ignore them is one thing; very common amongst people. But to realize a fault and yet let the devil take over inside is to say the least; quite dangerous though common too. Sublime thinking, hmmmm…
It is frankly disturbing; the way some people think… Purely because it is based on their belief system. But this is a topic for another time; when I feel more strongly about it and there is a case study for me to use and conduct analysis upon. Alas, if I am really angry I shall name the rodent who deserves to be baited, trapped and killed purely by burning her, er I mean him/her by sunlight ‘til death makes her er, I mean him/her part.
I find that sometimes I am much like a little Ally Mcbeal. In a sense that I often resort to consoling myself temporarily that in my own world, justice has been served.
I have one strong belief that stands today:-
In today’s world, no one dies to face Judgement. We answer to our sins within our lifetimes.
Meaning: All who sin or incur the pain and hate of those hurt by them pay for it all; with interest before they go. (At least, it is what I hope for to come about eventually in the evolution of ideals.)

An ideal that is positive no longer stands as easily as one that preaches the self only. But it cannot be taken that what no longer widely holds water is no longer true either. Many still believe in it, but its weakness is brought about by a lack of practice: A lack of practice that is causing us an endless loss. We are indeed killing ourselves and choosing to do nothing about it.
Oh well….. Back to the world, the arena; back to spoiling for a fight…
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